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The future of edtech: reporting on an AR/VR/XR roundtable discussion.

The future of edtech is an annual tech conference that looks at transforming higher education through the digital, it brings together industry partners, academics, students and influencers from across 50 countries. This year it moved to an online conference, and the landing page offered all the amenities of a ‘real time’ conference.

The virtual lobby

Each session was 20 minutes, and recorded and shared on vimeo, and then the Q&A which was not captured.The speakers then moved into the networking lounge for further chat.

Here are the links to the main sessions:

The VC Panel_ What’s on the horizon for higher education during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond

Imperial college business school talk

– excellent section by Sarah, (second speaker) on quality and how to-conceptualising the whole experience ie not just the f-2-f but how to scaffold the whole student learning experience

Developing university capacity and capability through external partnerships

Prof Norbert Pachler

EDUCATE Presents Exploring the Real Use of AI in HE Today

Prof Rose Luckin

Using data to improve student outcomes Panel:

The student panel:

Not recorded but these were key points:

Please use good practice; ask us to engage and switch on our camera, change the pace; offer small chunks; engage us the whole of the time! Change the pedagogies to more active learning – we enjoy this but need more reflective time if we then have a group task. Linked In – use this and it is super useful…

My session: Augmented reality, Virtual reality and Mixed reality for student learning

Getting ready to host

The international roundtable had participants from the USA, Turkey, the Netherlands, Germany, France, Malta as well as the UK.

The brief discussion notes i followed are available here:

The main report mentioned in the slideshare:

The Immersive Learning Research Network (iLRN) is leading The State of XR and Immersive Learning, a multi-sector, cross-disciplinary initiative aimed at: Regularly surveying the XR and immersive learning landscape to identify the technological, pedagogical, and other innovations exhibiting the most promise, along with the major opportunities and challenges related to their uptake, adoption, and implementation; Advancing research and promoting research-grounded practice in the use of XR and immersive technologies for supporting learners across the full span of learning from K-12 through higher education As well as in workplace, community, and lifelong learning. Full report launched at their annual conference 20th June

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